Before start create project, necessary consider all details. Firstly is conduct a detailed questionnaire and then project a design in one single
structure - an exhaustive one. Work on the design project is built by stage - from the general to the details. At each stage, we approve
important decisions: planning, conception, style, coloristic and others. You don't have to worry that you won't like the design, because I
won't go to the next stage, until you are satisfied with the current one.
The work begins from a consultation, exploring of the original
object design, measurements, and photo session of the object.
Structure of the interior project and its stages:
Stage I. " Functional arrangement of the interior project and conception"
1 . Sign a contract
2. Detailed questionnaire We discuss all your expectation and tastes to analysis of your functional needs and aesthetic preferences. Take like example different more close for you interior and analyse them. Fix all details and arrangement of the space.
3. Measure and taking photo of the object.
4. Functional arrangement of the interior project. On the first stage prepare 2-3 concepts of functional arrangement of the designed interior. Choose one of them and finalize on a base discussed agreements.
5. Conception of the interior project. Style, colours, goods to every facility.
- 3d white- black sketches. Discuss and make agreement functional arrangement in 3d.
- Collages.
Stage II. "3D visualization"
Fulfilment of visualization on a base agreement functional arrangement of the designed interior, detailed questionnaire, 3d sketches and collages.
Every stage of work and every amendment are sent to you via e-mail and discussed during meetings or based on communication from a distance.
Selection and presentation of proposed finishing materials is carried out along with works over visualizations or directly after approval of their final version. ( In case of choice this service).
Stage III. "Project documentation"
Approval of proposed solutions completes the creation process. Based on well-established concept prepare a detailed implementation plan in the form of technical drawings An average time for preparation of ready project documentation from approval of the final concept lasts about 2-3 weeks.
- Drawing of dimensions of the space.
- Drawing of demolition of the space.
- Drawing of new installation walls.
- New plan.
- Drawing furniture and equipment on a plan.
- Drawing of ceiling on a plan.
- Drawing of placement of lamps.
- Drawing of the connection of lamps.
- Drawing of installing sockets and electrical equipment.
- Drawing of floor plan.
- Drawing of electric floor heating.
- Drawing of sanitary placement on the plan.
- Scan the walls of every space.
- A list of recommended finishing materials with the calculated areas.
You can order a project with photorealistic 3D visualization, as well as a design project based on 3D sketches and collages.
The project will be sent to You after its complete creation in electronic PDF format and in 1 printed
albom A3.
The draft design is transmitted in electronic PDF format.
Cost of the design project.
The cost of a design project is determined by identifying the tasks and their volume, space and stylistic decisions.
The cost of work from 1 m2
Payment for work occurs in three stages.
Stage 1 35% (Prepayment 100%)
Stage 2 30% (Prepayment 100%)
Stage 3 35% (Prepayment 100%)
In case of your decision about a need, offer different forms of content of the interior project.
If you are interested in my design, invite you on a non-binding, free meeting, which is the presentation of possible cooperation forms.
+48 513 820 480 / WhatsApp